(Japanese follows)
WASHOKUBOX is a project through which EDAMAME Inc. in Hong Kong delivers a variety of information related to a Japanese cuisine!
And WASHOKUBOX is doing kaiseki washoku cooking classes in which I will teach this month in Hong Kong. I'm looking forward to having these classes in Hong Kong!
There are two types of classes,
-Japanese Cooking Basics
20 May (Sat.) 4:30pm / 21 May (Sun.) 10:30a.m.
-Vegan* Japanese Cooking
20 May (Sat.) 10:30am / 21 May (Sun.) 4:30pm
*No meat, fish, egg, dairy or mushrooms
You can follow information about these classes on Twitter and Instagram,
Twitter: https://twitter.com/washokubox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/washokubox/

Washoku Boxは、日本の「食」を中心にその素材や技術を海外に発信する香港のEdamame Inc.が運営するプロジェクトです。ご縁を頂きWashoku Boxさんの様々な活動に関わらせて頂いておりますが、今月Washoku Boxさんが開催する2種類の和食レッスンの講師をさせて頂きます。ぜひお気軽にご参加頂けたら嬉しいです。
20 May (Sat.) 4:30pm / 21 May (Sun.) 10:30a.m.
20 May (Sat.) 10:30am / 21 May (Sun.) 4:30pm
*No meat, fish, egg, dairy or mushrooms
詳細はWashoku BoxのTwitterとInstagramからご確認頂けます。
Twitter: https://twitter.com/washokubox
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/washokubox/